Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The recent attack by shivsainiks followed by the outbreaks in media on Bal Thakares' comment on Sachins' statement is unwanted and not welcomed.People reflects their nation who are it's real strength.History is full of stories that wherever people in the same nation divided,the nations ruined.The politics of M.N.S. and Shivasena in Maharashtra is crossing the limits and showing extreme regionalism.At the same time the lack of strong action by the existing Congress government is appears to be supporting it from within.Thus it is the high time that the people must stand for the integrity of the nation no matter whether these forces come from outside(26/11) or from inside.

The use of regional aspirations for(petty?) political gains can be termed as regionalism.In the decade of 80s and later Shivasena had shown it and now its child party M.N.S. is playing the same politics. It is quite apparent that M.N.S. is capturing the votes of Shivasena as a result of Raj Thakares' speeches where very cunningly he mixes economical issues with the regional politics.Moreover he ,for this purpose,very cleverly uses the relevant remarks of Maharashtrian nationalists.That is why the educated and mostly unemployed youth have turned towards M.N.S.

On the contrary,the Shivasena was always remained in dilemma while representing its 'Hindutva for whole nation' against 'Marathi for Maharashtra'.Thus after this assembly elections Shivasena was finding the cause for its popularity.And in Sachins' remark they found the cause and Bal Thakare himself came on front.

So,the issue is 'who is popular or who represents true Maharashtrians?' and not to whom the Mumbai or Sachin belongs to!If someone finds the identity of a place or a person representing whole nation, is it not making proud to itself?In fact when our love extends from ourselves to the nation with the same magnitude the question of priority disappears!Thus in an integrated nation the question of 'who belongs to what' is immaterial.

Thus Maharashtrian youth mus understand the drama behind the curtain. While protesting against any issues that will increase their political clout these political parties literally 'make use' of the youth.Specially in the backward and countryside areas it has been seen that,the considerable number of youngsters have lost their crucial time of life in the turmoil of this petty politics.

Unsurprisingly,the common man today, who is unaware about the politics of these leaders (who do not get the time to think even) is facing the consequences of his being Maharashtrian, when he travels for some work or other purposes to other parts of country.
The people in the state of Maharashtra have always welcomed to other Indians and respected their values. During the national movement also Maharashtrians were ahead for the cause of freedom and integrity of the nation. No doubt it was the success of both the leaders and his followers-the common man. Today the common man must differentiate between the politics of division and that of integration.

26/11 was the attack on whole India,will this be questioned by Shivasena or M.N.S.?
The whole nation regretted and came out with full support to police and commando on the one hand and slapped petty politics in many incidences that followed on the other.Time has come to defeat all the forces of extremism-be it regionalism or communalism. Maharshtras' people thus,must stand for the integration of the nation to pave the ways for the politics of love and not of hate,politics of development and not of destruction.This would be great start towards the next leap for it is about to celebrate its successful completion of 50 years on May 1, 2010.

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